KSCO Pet Radio

KSCO Pet Radio

Podcast: Rescuer Shirley Zindler on “Me Too” Dogs, Happy Pandemic Adoptions…

May 13, 2020

PODCAST (21:43) -- Shirley Zindler, co-founder of Dogwood Animal Rescue Project, joined us on the 5/10/20 program for a wide-ranging discussion that covered:

* How very well rescue has been going during the pandemic and the danger that a large number of pandemic adoptions might be returned when we go back to whatever "normal" turns out to be.
* "Me Too" dogs that, like most people, at least initially don't like random touching without a proper introduction. How to make that introduction and what to do about clueless people who approach dogs incorrectly (or like it is a dog they've known for years).
* We also talk about bites and whose fault they are. Did the human provoke the bite? Is the dog really dangerous? What should the outcome be?
* Finally, how her group's volunteers and donors make it possible for Dogwood to save animals with big medical needs.

Shirley spent decades as an animal control officer and has dedicated her life to her family and helping animals in need. We love having her on and always learn so much from her visits.
Order Shirley's book from Amazon:

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