KSCO Pet Radio

KSCO Pet Radio

Podcast: Writer Meredith Wargo

May 12, 2020

Meredith Wargo
PODCAST (20:10) -- Meredith Wargo, coauthor of "DAWGS: The True Story of Lost Animals and the Kids Who Rescued Them" was a guest on our 5/10/20 program.
Here's a podcast about the book with Diane Trull, the Dalhart, TX school teacher who started the rescue with her grade school students and co-authored the book.
I spoke with Meredith, who is a very fine writer, about DAWGS, her other projects, but also about the business and economics of writing about animals in the internet era.
About Meredith Wargo
From her website, meredithwargo.com:
"Like many authors, my love for reading and writing began at an early age. When I wasn’t running around the neighborhood being a tomboy, you could usually find me curled up somewhere with my nose buried in a book. Anne of Green Gables, A Wrinkle in Time and the Nancy Drew mystery series were all major influencers in igniting my dream of wanting to be a writer one day.
"I think my affinity for animals began the moment I was born. I’ve always had a soft spot for animals of all kinds. From growing up with the family dogs to taking horseback riding lessons as a teenager, many of my happiest memories are those that include a four-legged creature.
"My path to becoming a writer started when I attended Baylor University in Waco, Texas. I earned my Bachelor of Arts degree in Journalism and remain an avid and loyal fan of the green and gold. (Sic ‘em Bears!)
"Most of my professional career has focused on the technical writing side. I’ve been fortunate to have worked for several large and respected companies where I was able to hone my skills. But technical writing is a much different animal than creative writing and I soon discovered that I preferred the latter.
"The famous cliché is to write about what you know and love so I started writing about animals. I’ve had more than 60 articles published in a variety of animal-related magazines. Several of my articles have won Maxwell Awards from the Dog Writers Association of America, which is the most recognized professional writing association devoted to dogs.
"When I’m not sitting behind a computer penning my latest work, I love to play tennis, travel the world, eat chocolate, and of course, help the underdog (or cat) through animal rescue."
I currently live in southern Utah with my husband, Tom Langley, and am fortunate to share our home with a menagerie of rescued animals, many of whom have special needs.
Order DAWGS from Amazon

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