KSCO Pet Radio

KSCO Pet Radio

Help for Dogs When Other Vets Give Up –Dr. Martin Goldstein

March 09, 2020

Dr. Martin Goldstein
PODCAST (36:20) -- Dogs are getting cancer, allergies and auto-immune diseases at a very high rate and their owners are searching for answers to improve their pet's health. The new documentary film, The Dog Doc, featuring Dr. Martin Goldstein, discusses alternatives for those pets whose vets have given up on them.

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#KSCO Pet Radio was fortunate to have Dr. Martin Goldstein, the extraordinary veterinarian who is featured in The Dog Doc, and Cindy Meehl, the director of The Dog Doc, on our show for 3/8/20.

This is an extraordinary interview, especially for those (like me) who are skeptical of holistic or integrative veterinary care. Dr. Marty offers common-sense solutions and is not some sort of new-age mystic vet.

The release date for this movie is March 13, 2020.

His book looks great and I have a copy on order.

Here is the trailer for the film: https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=329025131143172