The Perimenopausal Mamas Podcast

The Perimenopausal Mamas Podcast

Episode 158 – Hard Habit to Break: The Four Tendencies

December 29, 2022

In today’s episode re-release from 2021, Dr. Lisa and Dr. Toni discuss habits and Gretchen Rubin’s The Four Tendencies framework behind why you keep or don’t keep habits. If you’ve picked up some bad habits or have let go of some healthy habits during the pandemic, you’ll want to listen in to find out why and how to start changing your habits.

In this episode, we cover:
  • Why do you have certain habits
  • What can you do to interrupt automatic habits and behaviours
  • Why you keep habits or don’t, described by the Four Tendencies, as outlined in the book Better Than Before by Gretchen Rubin
Consider the following Habit Hacks:
  • Approach your habits and behaviours with self-love, compassion and forgiveness, as we discussed in Episode 55
  • Be intentional and recognize your autopilot behaviours
  • Remember the why
  • Commit and schedule it in your calendar 
  • Pair it with something else – making your own lemon water while making kids’ breakfast
  • Break it up into bite-sized chunks
  • Be accountable – text a friend or post on social media, join online community
  • Monitor progress – track in calendar or journal with gold stars or check marks, post on social media (see Episode 11 to learn more about using a bullet journal)
  • Avoid “all or nothing” thinking – you can start over anytime

Four Tendencies quiz by Gretchen Rubin:

The Alcohol Experiment and This Naked Mind Podcast:

This Week’s Mama Must Have: 

Dr. Lisa is a big fan of Australian Carob Co carob chips to keep her chocolate intake in check.

Dr. Toni loves Smart Sweets gummy bears and peach rings for a sugar free treat.

What’s Happening?

Dr. Toni’s next HypnoBirthing info session for expecting parents looking to trust their instincts and their body during labour and birth is happening again in 2023. Join her at

Dr. Lisa’s Wild Collective in 2023: get on the waitlist:

Email us or connect with us on Facebook  and  Instagram

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Stay safe and healthy everyone!