The Perimenopausal Mamas Podcast

The Perimenopausal Mamas Podcast

Episode 156: Don’t Fear the Fever

December 15, 2022

Did you know that fever is an evolutionary response that humans (and other animals) need to mobilize the immune system and fight off infection effectively? And that not all fevers are bad and do not reflect how severe an illness is? Listen in as Dr. Toni dispels the common myths about fever and find out how to support this natural process in your kids and yourself to recover effectively.

In this episode, we cover:

  • What is a fever and how to measure it 
  • The most common myths about fevers, such as:
    • All fevers are bad and must be treated with medication
    • Fevers above 40oC or 104oF are dangerous and can cause brain damage
    • Seizures are often caused by fever and can harm your child
    • Fevers should come down to normal when treated with medication and once it comes down, it should stay down

  • Why you might want to think twice before giving your kids medication like acetaminophen or ibuprofen
  • What you can do to make your child more comfortable when they have a fever before considering medication like acetaminophen or ibuprofen
    • Hydration
    • Hydrotherapy
    • Herbal medicine and homeopathy

  • For more info about myths and facts about fever, see
  • For more info about nutrients that support immune system against viral infections, see Episode 39
  • For more info about leaky gut, see Episode 8
Today’s Mama Must Have:

Dr. Toni is a big fan of having several homeopathic remedies on hand at home to use when her and her family are having symptoms of viral infection like fever, especially aconite, ferrum phosphoricum and belladonna, as well as herbal teas like elderberry, echinacea, yarrow and peppermint.

What’s Else is Happening?

Dr. Toni’s next HypnoBirthing session for expecting parents looking to decrease fear and anxiety to support their natural instincts around labour and birth is next month. Join her at

Join Dr. Lisa’s new Facebook group Wild Woman Adventures Toronto if you want to get out in nature, connect with other women and push yourself out of your comfort zone. Activities include: sunrise/sunset SUP, tree-top trekking, a new moon workshop and more!

Thanks for joining us!

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Stay safe and healthy everyone!

Disclaimer: The information provided is not meant to replace treatment with a licensed health care practitioner. It is for informational purposes only. Consult with a Naturopathic Doctor or other licensed health care professional to determine which treatments are safe for you.