The Perimenopausal Mamas Podcast

The Perimenopausal Mamas Podcast

Episode 94: How to Reduce Plastic Use in Your Everyday Life with Emma Rohmann from Green at Home

October 07, 2021

In this episode, Dr. Lisa welcomes back Emma Rohmann to discuss everything you need to know about plastics. Why is plastic harmful? Are the alternatives any better? Listen in to learn about what you can do at home to protect you and your kids from the negative impacts of plastic. 

Emma previously joined Dr. Lisa on Episode 65

Emma Rohmann is an environmental engineer, mom of 2, and founder of Green at Home and The Healthy Home Method. With over a decade of experience as an accredited green building consultant and project manager, she now helps moms and moms-to-be reduce toxins at home without overwhelm, a lifestyle overhaul, or spending time and money on stuff that doesn't work. Her online guides, courses, and personalized programs blend the science with the practical application needed to help drive healthy changes in our busy lives. Emma is a trained David Suzuki Foundation Queen of Green Coach, a guest lecturer at the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine, and holds a certificate in Environmental Health from the University of Arizona. You can learn more from Emma on The Missing Pillar of Health Podcast and at

In this episode, we cover:

* The impact of plastics, including microplastics, on the environment while recognizing the benefit of them* The 2 chemicals in plastic with the most attention and research* Bisphenol A (BPA) - hormone disruptor with estrogenic activity* affects immune system, fetal development, sperm function, fertility* found in hard plastics, can linings, higher in foods that are fatty or acidic, receipt paper from purchases can be absorbed through the skin* Phthalates - found in soft plastics, hormone disruptor, easily migrates to food* higher amounts in women with endometriosis, birth defects, diabetes, obesity, thyroid, asthma, allergies, behavioural issues in kids, quickly metabolized but common exposure is frequent, found in PVC and vinyl flooring - breaks down and transfers to household dust, found in synthetic fragrance in personal care products* The problem with BPA free plastic, and the hormone disrupting properties of BPA alternatives BPS and BPF* The reason why switching from plastic water bottles to cans isn’t the healthiest solution * For the impact of PFAS, see the movies Dark Waters and The Devil We Know, as well as Emma’s The Missing Pillar of Health Podcast* Alternatives to consider investing in to avoid BPA and other bisphenol exposure* Coconut oil and tomato products in glass jars* Glass containers or beeswax wrap instead of plastic food wrap* Beans and other canned foods by brands using cans without bisphenols, like Eden Organics* The importance of re-thinking your use of single serve foods in plastic wrapping* Consider a litter-less lunch for your kids without juice boxes, ziploc bags, using stainless steel containers and silicone bags to swap out plastic containers* The importance of involving your kids in the continuing conversation around reducing the use of plastic products* How to decide what plastic alternatives you need to buy

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Find Emma’s Room-by-Room Checklist, Cleaner Recipes and other resources at greena...