The Perimenopausal Mamas Podcast

The Perimenopausal Mamas Podcast

Episode 221: Why Can’t I Sleep? (Re-Release)

March 16, 2024

In this re-released episode, Dr. Lisa and Dr. Toni provide some updated info you need to know about sleep, especially if your sleep has been impacted by perimenopause and the pandemic. Want to stop gaining weight and craving carbs and sugar? Want more energy and better moods? Want to lower your risk of cancer, dementia and diabetes? Don’t wait to sleep when you’re dead!

Did you know?

2/3 of people in developed nations fail to sleep at least 8 hours a night!

Why do you need to get a good night’s sleep?

Research shows that the less sleep you get, the shorter your life.

You can’t make up for a poor night’s sleep by sleeping more the next night. 

As you age, your sleep can be more fragile and sensitive than when you’re younger.

In this episode, we cover:
  • How insufficient or poor sleep can contribute to your weight gain, make you more emotionally reactive and put your body in fight or flight mode
  • What you can do if your sleep is interrupted
  • How you can tell if you’re getting a good night’s sleep
  • Important signs that you are not getting enough sleep
  • What lab testing and investigations you need to consider
  • Tips you need to know to get a good night’s sleep
Today’s Mama Must Have:

Dr. Lisa loves putting a tea bag or two of lemon balm or chamomile tea in Stuart’s bath and using Badger sleep balm on the backs of Stuart’s hands and his feet for extra sleep support.

Dr. Toni is a big fan of Cyto-Matrix’s Mag Matrix magnesium liquid for Frankie and Bach Flower Rescue Remedy night spray for the whole family. 

What’s Happening?

Dr. Toni’s next HypnoBirthing info session for expecting parents looking to trust their instincts and their body during labour and birth is happening in May. Join her at

Thanks for listening!

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Stay safe and healthy everyone!
