Pep Talks

Pep Talks

PEP Talk – Excuses and Filler Words – Episode #14

April 04, 2020

Welcome to today’s’ PEP Talk – Excuses and Filler Words – Episode #14.

Today’s PEP Talk is more of a PEP Talk Tips episode as I am providing a couple of tips regarding communication. One communication faux pas is associated with excuses, while the other includes the utilization of filler words. I am hopeful you will find the suggestions to overcome these gaffes, simple and attainable. 

I recorded this month’s PEP Talk before the coronavirus pandemic and prior to the enactment of the stay at home order. Consequently, I did not reference our current challenges in the podcast. Therefore, during this incredibly challenging time, I want to take a moment to provide some self-care suggestions which can assist in elevating your mood:

1.  Outdoors – please take time to go outside every day. Ideally, I would like for you to walk for 30 minutes every day. There are numerous nutrients we receive from the sun (even on a cloudy day). These nutrients support bodily processes, including the systems which support our mood.

2.  Physical activity – I pair walking in the first suggestion of getting outdoors, and I recognize some people want more of a workout than what walking provides. I know the gyms are closed; however, there are many body-weight exercises you can do which do not require equipment. This includes burpees, planks, squats, static lunges, walking lunges, jumping jacks, pushups, skaters, etc. If you need a body-weight workout, let me know, and I would be happy to create a workout routine for you. Do not forget about YouTube. There are a plethora of free videos you can do in the privacy of your own home. Exercise is an excellent mood enhancer. Research studies demonstrate exercise is superior to anti-depressants, so let’s get moving!

3.  Gratitude – I recognize in these oppressive times, it can be difficult to see the blessings; however, they are there. Please take time, each and every day, to identify three blessings in your life. I would encourage you to write them down. They can be big or small. For example, if you are someone who is blessed to have the ability to see, think about all the ways your eyes have helped you. It is easy to focus on what we don’t have, and it takes effort to focus on what we do have – remember, expressing gratitude elevates our mood.

4.  Projects/Self-Improvement – Do you have projects you have been putting off? Now is the time to do them. It could be projects around the house, such as cleaning out closets or painting a room. Possibly, there is an online course you have wanted to take; a book you have wanted to read; or a self-help workbook you have yet to begin. I encourage you to be productive during this time. Escaping into a screen will magnify the problems. Being productive, staying engaged, will lift your energy and your mood.

5. Nutrition – You knew I could not let this opportunity go by without talking about the powers of nutrition. I recognize for some individuals, when they are stressed or feel fearful, they turn to unhealthy foods. I cannot stress enough the importance of eating nutrient-dense foods during this taxing time. Sugar, processed foods, and alcohol will create inflammation. If you have inflammation in your body, you are not going to feel well physically or emotionally. Please, please be mindful of what you are putting into your body. Do not use stress as an excuse to consume unhealthy foods. I want you to eat healthfully at all times; however, particularly now, I want you to nourish your body. The nutrients found in whole foods will support your physical and emotional health.

Please know I care about you, and I am here, and also know I am praying for you.

Please take a few minutes to listen to today’s PEP Talk – Excuses and Filler Words – Episode #14, and I encourage you to do one thing today purposefully to attain true PEP for life.