KEV Talks Podcast

KEV Talks Podcast

The Definitive Guide to Start Training in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu - Part 2 | KEV Talks #25

March 15, 2023

I'm importing episodes 8-25 of the You-Jitsu Podcast, which was discontinued last week. In this Part 2 of 2 this episode compilation, I walk the listener further into the Jiu-Jitsu journey.

In this episode:

  • Importance of practicing stand up
  • Giving White Belts some wins
  • How BJJ will call your bluff
  • What makes a Blue Belt?
  • Listener feedback - Focus on Fundamentals
  • Differences between Wrestling, Submission Grappling, and BJJ
  • What if you miss the BJJ class?
  • That there are levels to BJJ
  • Being anxious in BJJ is OK
  • Exercises to improve your BJJ
  • Importance of a solid base in BJJ
  • Top 3 escapes White Belts should know
  • 4 Supplements for older grapplers
  • Dealing with spazzy training partners
  • Importance of getting position before submission
  • Moves to practice outside of the BJJ gym
