PCC, Sustain Me!

Latest Episodes
Episode #24 ~ PCC Eco Social Justice Event, Youth V Gov, Climate Trial of the Century w/ Jacob Lebel
So much goodness in here. Jacob Lebel, one of the 21 youth plaintiffs on the Juliana V U.S “Climate Trial of the Century” came and gave over 100 student leaders a great keynote presentation during our 3rd annual #EcoSocialJustice Event.
Episode #23 ~ Creating Inclusive, Socially Just Campus Environments w/ Jamie Washington, Ph.D. & Kathy Obear, Ed. D
This was such a great conversation I had after a highly impactful two full days of training with Jamie Washington Ph.D., of Washington Consulting Group and Kathy Obear, Ed.D., from The Center for Transformation & Change.
Episode #22 ~ Kevin Wilhelm at WOHESC 2019
This was a fantastic conversation I had the good fortune to have with Kevin Wilhelm, CEO of Sustainable Business Consulting, author, public speaker, and so much more. We sat down near the conclusion of the Washington Oregon Higher Education Conference ...
Episode #21 ~ Kiran Oommen, Our Children’s Trust & The Climate Trial of the Century
What a fantastic conversation this was with Kiran Oommen. Not only that but this episode also happens to have a podcast debut of a fresh track from one of the bands Kiran is in called Geophagia. The track is called Werewolf.
Episode #20 ~ 2019 GPSEN Sustainability Symposium w/ Kim Smith Ph.D
Check it out! The 2019 GPSEN Sustainability Symposium is right around the corner, March 8th 2019. Hear more about the event and a bit of the story line of how GPSEN came to be. Oh, and while you’re at it, you’ll get a bit more of an intimate idea of ho...
Episode #19 ~ Food, Justice & Finding the Intersections w/ Venus Barnes
I had such a great conversation with Venus Barnes, a member of the PCC community as the Learning Garden Coordinator at the Sylvania Campus and she is also a former student here as well. Venus started a Food Justice Cohort that I was really excited to s...
Episode #18 ~ No Fracking Way Should We Build the Jordan Cove LNG Terminal!
On Tuesday, January 15th in Salem Oregon a rally and public hearing were held to stop the Jordan Cove LNG terminal and pipeline project. Hundreds of folks were in attendance and one of them happened to be me.
Episode #17 ~ Hello there, 2019…
Two weeks have some how flown by already here in 2019. It took a bit to dust off the winter break hibernation like mentality I fell into but alas, here is the first episode of the new year! This episode is a combination of a reflection on this past yea...
Episode #16 ~ Charles Hopkins & the 11th Global RCE Conference
The 11th Global RCE Conference held at the University of the Philippines, Cebu was held from December 7th-9th folks from many places around the world gathered to focus on pathways towards education for sustainable development.
Episode #15 ~ Kelsey Juliana, #YouthvGov, & the Climate Trial of The Century
I had the honor of interviewing one of the 21 plaintiffs of the Juliana v US climate trial and it just so happened to be Kelsey Juliana whose name is attached to the case. She did make it clear though that all 21 of the youth who are a part of this cas...