

Latest Episodes

Enabling Community Banks to Provide Mobile Wallets
April 21, 2020

In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, technology continues to be a key pillar of our industry as we continue to serve our customers and communities.  Now, more than ever, digital offerings are an important component to a comprehensive payment strategy.

A Conversation with Fiserv about Bill Pay
April 17, 2020

The following is a transcript of the podcast episode between Matt Wilcox, SVP of Market Strategy of Innovation at Fiserv, and PaymentsJournal. PaymentsJournal  Welcome to the PaymentsJournal podcast. I’m your host, Ryan Mac,

Now’s the Time for Businesses to Transition to Commercial Card Use and Acceptance
April 16, 2020

The impact of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) global pandemic is forcing businesses to modify their behaviors and look for innovative ways to streamline and automate processes that often require a physical presence. For example,

Credit Unions Can Better Serve Their Members during COVID-19 by Staying Informed of Consumer Trends
April 15, 2020

With the uncertainty of the ongoing economic impact of COVID-19, it is more important than ever for credit unions to be aware of and serve their members’ financial needs. To identify what these needs are, credit unions need to have a deep understanding...

Loyalty Program Fraud is a Growing Problem. Forter is Here to Help.
April 14, 2020

Fraud comes in many forms. When a criminal seizes control of another person’s legitimate account, that’s called account takeover (ATO) fraud. Then there’s synthetic identity fraud, which is when a criminal combines real and fake information to make an ...

Identity Trust: The Future of Preventing Digital Fraud and Improving the Customer Experience
March 26, 2020

As consumer payment preferences continue to change, and the payments industry evolves to meet these preferences, fraud prevention solutions will need to be flexible and scalable to ensure that consumers and companies can transact securely.  Kount,

Social Distancing Has Caused More Online Shopping. And Fraud.
March 25, 2020

Large swaths of the global economy have ground to a halt as governments scramble to stop the spread of COVID-19. In the U.S. alone, nearly 100 million people (and growing) have been directed to stay at home and practice social distancing in an effort t...

The Gig Economy’s Financial Needs are Not Being Met. Here’s How Banks Can Change That.
March 24, 2020

The gig economy has experienced rapid growth in recent years, as the convenience of a flexible schedule appeals to a wide base of workers. The unique nature of gig workers’ employment means that they have specific banking needs. However,

Unpacking the Third Major Digital Transformation: Equinix on Open Banking, Payment Hubs, and the Future of Banking
March 12, 2020

With the payments industry increasingly going digital, fintechs and traditional financial institutions alike are exploring ways to harness technology to streamline many aspects of the payments industry. Underlying this digital transformation is open ba...

Fraud Is Rapidly Evolving in 2020
March 05, 2020

Now that it’s well into 2020, we’re in the midst of a rapidly evolving fraud landscape. Gone are the days where fraudsters primarily operated in the physical world, using stolen credit cards to make transactions. Instead,