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The Importance of Using a Financial Cloud HSM for Data Security
June 25, 2020

Most financial services providers have mandates to use the cloud for business and payment applications. However, migrating to cloud financial hardware security modules (HSMs) has historically seen hurdles such as regulatory compliance, cost concerns,

The Rise of Contactless and Push Provisioning in the COVID-19 Era
June 24, 2020

Even before COVID-19, contactless payments were experiencing significant growth. While the United States has been slow to adopt contactless compared to other nations, COVID-19 has contributed to new efforts by consumers to adopt contactless.

Helping Community Banks and Credit Unions Stay Competitive in a Changing Economy
June 23, 2020

Even before COVID-19 forced large swaths of the economy to shut down, community banks and credit unions faced an immense amount of pressure. Competition from other local companies was great. Worse yet, these companies also faced stiff competition from ...

Even with COVID-19, there are Several Growth Opportunities within Payments. Here’s How to Seize Them.
June 19, 2020

COVID-19 has impacted companies across almost every sector, accelerated the pace of changing consumer behaviors, and brought economies worldwide to a grinding halt. As stay-at-home mandates are slowly lifted and the economy tentatively enters the road ...

Consumer Behavior Changes Create New Opportunities for Community Banks
June 18, 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a dramatic impact on consumer behavior and commonplace activities. Thanks to social distancing requirements and changing customer preferences, many banks began promoting in earnest digital banking alternatives.

The Value of a “Goal First” Approach to Choosing an Identity Verification Solution
June 17, 2020

There are several factors that buyers of identity verification services need to consider in order to select the service that best meets their needs. Even so, a ‘one size fits all’ identity verification approach is still largely being promoted,

Understanding B2B Customers Can Be Hard. This Can Help.
June 15, 2020

Nearly everyone in the business world has heard about the importance of customer experience. Unhappy customers lead to lost sales and decreased revenue. Happy customers lead to sustained sales and steady revenue.

Why You Need to Develop an IoT Payments Strategy Today
June 12, 2020

One of the most overlooked trends in the payments industry is the rise of the Internet of Things (IoT). From smartwatches to internet-enabled refrigerators, there’s been a proliferation of IoT infrastructure.

The Role of Financial Institutions in Real-Time Payments
June 11, 2020

The past few years have seen substantial growth in the peer to peer (P2P) payments market, with payment apps replacing cash and checks. Friends and family members who want to split the cost of a ride share, dinner, rent,

Banks and Customers Can Benefit through Improved Overdraft Services. Here’s How.
June 09, 2020

At some point in their lives, many consumers find themselves in the position of having made a transaction that causes their bank account balance to go below zero. When an overdraft occurs, the consumer usually faces fees related to their bank’s overdra...