

Latest Episodes

Transforming Software Vendor Businesses by Including Payment Facilitator Capabilities 
July 21, 2022

Payment facilitation, or PayFac, is quickly becoming table stakes for many merchants. With new technology diversifying payment methods across all industries, merchants are clamoring for streamlined pa

How Traditional FIs Can Meet the Rising Challenge of Digital-Only Banks 
July 20, 2022

One needn’t look far to see that neobanks and other types of digital-only banks — the upstarts in financial services — have altered retail banking.  These numbers tell part of the story:  Chime: 13.1

Cloud Computing and Payments Connectivity: Where We Are and Where They’re Going 
July 19, 2022

For any leader of an organization steeped in payments — banks, fintechs, and technology providers — it’s a time of great opportunity and great complexity.   Customer demand for instant payments, insta

How Merchants Can Strike the Delicate Balance Between Fraud Prevention and Customer Experience 
July 18, 2022

The many digital touchpoints today’s consumers use to connect with merchants and buy products have been a boon for businesses. Merchants have many different digital avenues to meet customers where the

How Gift Cards Are Reshaping the Loyalty Program Landscape  
July 14, 2022

In the current environment of high inflation, soaring gas prices, and threat of recession, consumers are looking to get the most out of their purchases and being judicious about where they spend their

Why Banks and Credit Unions Need Multiple Real-Time Payments Options
June 28, 2022

Real-time payments occupy a unique niche in the payments industry, both for its diversity and its rapid growth. The Clearing House RTP® network processes more than $16 billion each quarter, and Zelle

Unburdening Financial Institutions from Legacy Payments Systems
June 27, 2022

The payments infrastructure at many traditional financial institutions — banks and credit unions — is showing its age at a time when new, nimble players are entering the space.   These lumbering syste

Unburdening Financial Institutions from Legacy Payments Systems
June 27, 2022

The payments systems infrastructure at many traditional financial institutions — banks and credit unions — is showing its age at a time when new, nimble players are entering the space. These lumbering

Digital Enablement Capabilities Enhance the Online Customer Journey
June 24, 2022

Last January, Equifax announced a definitive agreement to acquire Kount, a digital identity trust and fraud prevention solution provider. On February 11, 2021, another Equifax announcement declared th

How Merchants Can Use Mobile to Stay Vital to the Customer Relationship
June 20, 2022

The fight for consumer mindshare is more competitive than ever. Customers are bombarded with messages in a number of different channels, and standing out among the noise can be difficult for merchants