

Latest Episodes

When It Comes to Ransomware Mitigation, Selecting the Right Negotiator Is Essential
February 16, 2023

Ransomware attacks are hitting financial institutions big and small, and show no signs of abating. When companies suffer ransomware attacks, they typically turn to their legal counsel or insurer for a

FIs That Prioritize Cyber-Trust Have Much to Gain
February 09, 2023

With cybercrimes reaching unprecedented levels and impacting businesses in every industry, consumers are naturally wary of providing personal information online. Financial institutions continually ran

Why Businesses Need to Adopt Real-Time Payments as a Competitive Differentiator
January 27, 2023

Its been about five years since real-time payments (RTP) became a reality in the U.S., and their popularity and adoption continue to skyrocket. According to a survey U.S. Bank conducted among 1,000

Faster Payments Are Set to Revolutionize Modern Digital Payments
January 26, 2023

Faster payments and the user experience are the differentiators that will enable banks and credit unions to remain relevant and competitive. Weve seen this gradual shift during the past decade as mod

How AI can Help Manage Payments Risk in 2023
January 25, 2023

The year 2022 was one of global financial uncertainty and risk, and 2023 may bring more of the same. For executives in payments risk management, planning for the year ahead should involve taking this

Crypto as a Practical Solution to B2B Payments
January 18, 2023

Cryptocurrencies have moved from a speculative asset to a practical one. One area in which crypto can serve and improve is the current business-to-business (B2B) payments space. In a recent PaymentsJo

Digitizing AR Would Address One of Executives’ Biggest Concerns About Economic Instability
January 17, 2023

To sustain their operations, businesses have more than their fair share of challenges to confront. With a recession imminent, climbing interest rates, supply chain disruptions, and a turbulent global

Accessibility to Cash Is Still King
January 16, 2023

Most of the narrative within the fintech and crypto space revolves around the decline of cash. But is cash really declining? Countries that have attempted to go cashless, such as Sweden, have backtrac

In a Digital World, Trust Tips the Scale for Financial Institutions
January 11, 2023

For financial institutions, focusing on digital transformation has become extremely important. The shift to digitization accelerated during the pandemic when many people werent stepping foot into phy

Capturing Fraud During the Holiday Season
December 19, 2022

As the holiday season approaches, merchants should be aware that as overall sales increase, so will fraud. In fact, the holiday season is an opportune time for fraudsters to strike. And merchants need