

How the Payments Industry Is Changing: A Conversation with BHMI

February 19, 2020

This episode was recorded at the Money 20/20 event in 2019. On this episode, PaymentsJournal’s editor-in-chief, Ryan McEndarfer, sat down with Marc Vaughn, Concourse Sales Director at BHMI.

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Welcome to the PaymentsJournal podcast. I’m your host, Ryan Mac, and today’s episode was recorded at the Money 2020 event 2019. Now during this episode, I’m going to be speaking with Marc Vaughn who is the Concourse Sales Director at BHMI. Now, Marc has been in the payments industry for over 40 years. So we’re going to be taking a look at the evolutions and changes that he’s seen within the payments industry. And we’re also going to be getting into how BHMI is working with the payments industry on a global scale. So without any further delay, let’s start the show.

So Marc, it’s fantastic to talk with you today. Now, I know
that you’ve been active in the payments industry for more than 40 years. So I’m
guessing that you’ve seen a lot of change in the industry.  And so, I’m curious and if you could help
enlighten our audience, what are some of the biggest and most monumental
changes that you’re seeing in the payments industry today?

Marc Vaughn:

Thank you, Ryan and I appreciate the time today. You are
right about seeing a lot of change and I began putting ATM systems back in the
70s. And in fact, I replaced offline ATM system to use track three, to account
for the balances of the accounts. So it tells you how we’ve moved and been able
to go to an online system and beyond with some of the things I’ve seen in the
ATMs of today. But the innovations that I’ve seen are probably similar
innovations that most people in America have seen is in the area of mobile
phones and in first personal computers and then in mobile phones.  The idea and ability to go to the internet
and connect to a phone that has that much power and that much application
capability is incredible. And so it’s been a catalyst for the industry to be
able to take advantage of that digital technology digital phone and put it into
the business environment where it can be used and stretched and we’ve seen the
younger generation take advantage of it but I also think folks that are the 40s
and even in the 60s are taking advantage of that technology. So with that, you
also see micro payments is being a very important part of that growth of