Women Amplified

Women Amplified

The Fix: Overcoming the Invisible Barriers to Create Cultures of Equality at Work

March 01, 2020

For years, we’ve been telling women that in order to succeed at work, they have to change themselves first—lean in, negotiate like a man, don’t act too nice or you’ll never get the corner office. But after 16 years working with major Fortune 500 companies as a gender equality expert, Michelle King has realized one simple truth—we don’t need to fix women, we need to fix work. Gender equality is not about women, and it is not about men—it is about creating a culture of equality and making workplaces work for EVERYONE.

In this episode, we explore the invisible barriers that hold women back at all stages of their careers, how gender inequality impacts women and creates challenges for men, and offer a clear set of takeaways to help everyone thrive despite sexism in the workplace, as we fight for change from within.