Daily Whispers
How do you stretch yourself?
What are you doing daily to stretch yourself? How are you pressing the boundaries of your comfort zone? Challenge. It’s the only way we grow. As a yoga teacher and strength coach, one of my favorite things to do is to hold people right there at the edge where their body is shaking a little bit, when their eyes open wide. It’s there, on the verge, where we get stronger in all aspects of our lives. It’s there, in the challenge where we come alive.
Grab my FREE Mental Fitness Cross-Training Grid
Join my next round of IN THE ARENA – 4-week masterminds for women focused on building community, confidence and cross-training for mental fitness. Choose the INNER PATH or the IMPACT PATH
Step 1 in building mental fitness are the Amare Happy Packs—my go-to gut-brain protocols to feeling happy, confident and clear.
Connect with me – hello@carabradley.net