Daily Whispers

Daily Whispers

Be Less Cryptic, More Transparent

March 16, 2022

If I wasn’t in my own way, I would be less cryptic and more transparent. Realizing this was a big revelation. And, it was revealed after sitting with pen and paper and honestly answering the following inquiry from yesterday’s Daily Whisper: If I wasn’t in my own way, I would…

Today, I do just that—I get personal. I share in full transparency the main focus on my work.

For the first time publicly, I talk about how I am building a massive business with Amare Global by cultivating two groups of business partners:

1) IN THE ARENA – Women ready to break free personally and professionally. I coach these amazing humans in a mastermind focused on accelerated transformation through daily action.

2) MENTAL FITNESS COLLECTIVE— a growing group dedicated mental health, wellness and performance professionals, coaches, athletes and business owners pioneering new ways to work together.

Let’s have a chat if you’re curious about either group.

I will no longer stand in my own way by being cryptic or less than transparent. The time has come to step forward into my power.

What about you? What would you do if you weren’t in your own way? I’d love to know.

Reach out by email hello@carabradley.net or text 610-256-4443

Join my next round of IN THE ARENA – an action-driven mastermind focused on accelerated transformation.

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