Cara Bradley

Cara Bradley

#53: What A Relief!

September 03, 2017

What a relief! These words are often used to describe the feeling of letting go. In this episode Cara offers you a meditation of sorts guiding you to tune inward and recognize your natural state clear aliveness. In this state, this "ground of being," we feel relieved of carrying the often heavy burden of our roles and responsibilities. Cara points to the incredible lightness of being that arises when we set aside our struggles, even for a moment and offers ways to recognize the freedom that awaits you right now.

Mentions and More:

Episode 50: Stable Mind. Stable Body
Episode 46: Put the Luggage Down and Dance

Episode 20: Meet Your Mind


Join Me on Retreat!
Sep 8-10 Omega Institute - Rhinebeck, NY
Oct 1 -Oct 6 La Bella Vita - Abruzzo, Italy
Jan 27-Feb 2 Big Life 2018 - Tulum, Mexico

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Check out the my book On The Verge: Wake Up, Show Up, and Shine 

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