Daily Whispers

Daily Whispers

#39: You Get To Make It Up

May 28, 2017

We are unique individuals having extraordinary human experiences. This week Cara offers you encouragement to play with the rules, to make stuff up, to jump outside of the box and to wake up to how you're living right now. If something isn't working, change it, make up something new. In the end, you get to make up how you are living your life. This is your life. Have a listen!

Mentions and More:

Episode 34: What's Your Hell Yeh? 
Episode 32: Jumping Patterns
Episode 27: Let's Optimize Today
Episode 25: What's Working? What's Not?

Blog: What's Working? What's Not?

On The Verge app iTunes and Google Play.
Check out the my book On The Verge: Wake Up, Show Up, and Shine