Daily Whispers

Daily Whispers

#128 Being Busy Is A Choice

October 26, 2019

I’m so busy! No, actually, I’m crazy busy! We hear those words every day (heck, maybe every hour) in our mind, at work and on the street. We've learned to wear our "busyness" on our sleeves like it’s some badge of honor. What is crazy busy anyway, and why are we rushing through our precious lives so that we can proclaim it to the world? 

In this episode Cara talks about being busy—as a state—and how you get to choose to live in it or not. Encouraging us to “stop the insanity,” Cara asks you to define how "busy" shows up in your body and mind. She offers a short practice to explore yourself beyond being busy and how doing so you are ultimately more productive (and more fun).

Mentions and More

* Are you Interested in how I'm improving my mental wellness with Amare?- Check out this- Email me at cara@carabradley.net- Let's start a conversation.

* Find links to all of my content here.

* My book - On The Verge: Wake up, Show up, and Shine

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