OneSixEight FM
FBA 001 Debra Paul: Riding The Fourth Wave of Business Analysis
Debra Paul: Riding the Fourth Wave of Business Analysis
Debra Paul and Joe Newbert explore the evolution of business analysis, developing a service-oriented and growth mindset, and the key skills for the future business analyst.
Debbie is the CEO of AssistKD, author of business analysis books, creator of industry certifications, and founder of forums and the BA Conference Europe.
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Brought to you by skills development and career building business analysis courses.
Chapter Markers
- [00:38] Debbie’s start in the world of business analysis and why she fell in love with it
- [04:15] Reflecting on the three waves of business analysis and shifting our mindset for the fourth
- [08:12] How fragmentation, distraction, and a loss of confidence are holding back the profession
- [12:33] Having a growth mindset to consider received wisdom and to continue believing in your value
- [16:34] Losing out on TLC (to the trends) as business analysis message is lost at the executive level
- [19:58] Pulling together the roles of service design, business architecture, and business analysis
- [24:09] Taking the T-shaped professional further into the eco-system of people, business, and analysis
- [28:23] Calling out the neglect of data as one of the most significant risks to the business analyst role
- [33:39] The authority, licence and need to analyse situations, consider options, and make recommendations
- [38:51] Fundamental advice for business analysts diving into the enormous change of the fourth wave
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Show Notes
Additional resources:
- Business Analysis Books by Debra Paul: (Amazon)
- Mindset by Carol Dweck: (Amazon)
- Barry Boehm:
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