OneSixEight FM

Latest Episodes
The Track Chair Rundown for BA Summit SA 2023
In this pop-up pod, Edward Ngubane, Oupa Laka, Christelle Govender, and Shahnaaz Hendricks share the conference theme, tracks, and speakers at BA Summit SA 2023.
The Episode When Ian Richards and Filip Hendrickx Told Us a BA Story
In this episode, Ian Richards and Filip Hendrickx talk with Paula Bell & Joe Newbert about using storytelling to do your business analysis work effectively.
FBA 013 Adrian Reed: Demonstrating the Value of Business Analysis
Adrian Reed and Joe Newbert explore overcoming self-helplessness by showing the appetite to seize opportunities and demonstrating the value of business analysis.
FBA 012 Angela Wick: Unifying Business Analysis and Artificial Intelligence
Angela Wick and Joe Newbert explore the possibilities and challenges that lie ahead on the path towards unifying business analysis and artificial intelligence.
FBA 011 Paula Bell: Embracing Humanity with Business Analysis
Paula Bell and Joe Newbert explore the togetherness of people and technology and how business analysts must use their positions and powers to embrace humanity.
FBA 010 Amorie Van Rooyen: Engaging Stakeholders in Online Collaboration
Amorie Van Rooyen and Joe Newbert explore harnessing the advancement of data, knowledge, and visualisation tools to engage stakeholders in online collaboration.
FBA 009 Retha De La Porte: Building a Human-Centric Approach
Retha De La Porte and Joe Newbert explore building a human-centric approach as technology changes how organisations work and brings fear to the stakeholders around us.
FBA 008 Jonathan Hunsley: Professionalisation of the Business Analyst Role
Jonathan Hunsley and Joe Newbert explore the professionalisation of the business analyst role to become skilled in business architecture, business service design, and business analysis.
FBA 007 Samuel Gazimbi: Extending Your Business Analysis Licence
Samuel Gazimbi and Joe Newbert explore delivering tangible value to extend your business analyst licence and risking to pull up a chair in the C-Suite.
FBA 006 Fabricio Laguna: Coaching a Business Analysis Culture
Fabricio Laguna and Joe Newbert explore coaching the business analysis mindset to foster a corporate culture and carrying compassion for humans alongside IT.