OneSixEight FM

OneSixEight FM

The Episode When Ian Richards and Filip Hendrickx Told Us a BA Story

September 23, 2023

24 September 2023

The Episode When Ian Richards and Filip Hendrickx Told Us a BA Story

Ian Richards and Filip Hendrickx talk with Paula Bell & Joe Newbert about using storytelling to do your business analysis work effectively.

In this episode:

  • 00:30 Introducing Ian Richards and Filip Hendrickx on the topic of storytelling
  • 01:48  An example of some of the benefits of storytelling as a technique
  • 03:52 Thinking about the structure and components that make up a good story 
  • 06:28 How we can use stories to do our job as a business analyst effectively
  • 10:44 Tips to sell your message to executives and managers through stories
  • 12:45 Blending data with storytelling to complement the story
  • 18:45 The idea, concept, and process behind the writing of Brainy Glue 
  • 26:31 Where you can connect with Ian and Filip plus get your hands on Brainy Glue  

The Show Notes:

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