One Life Radio Podcast

One Life Radio Podcast

Maura Davies - Summer Pet Tips, James Stanley - Shopping Abroad

July 15, 2022

Maura Davies of the SPCA of Texas joins us on Furry, Furbulous Friday with some tips for keeping our pets happy and healthy during the heat of summer. 

Next, James Stanley of JamesStanleyNY joins us to share some of his favorite finds when travelling. He has some fabulous tips for finding unusual items and off-the-grid shops. James says to gravitate towards the pieces that speak to you. A $20 watercolor can bring as much joy as a pricey gallery piece. Do your homework and google shops in the area before you go, but don’t be afraid to stop in the little mom-and-pop shops along the way. You never know where you’ll find your next treasure! 

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The Weston A. Price Foundation

Children's Health Defense - Order Robert F. Kennedy's latest book, "The Real Anthony Fauci" today!

sunwarrior - Use the code OLR for 20% off your purchase!

Ice Shaker - Keeps drinks ice cold all day!

Vegworld Magazine

Well Being Journal

Thorne - Get 20% off your order and free shipping!