One Life Radio Podcast

One Life Radio Podcast

#1408 Koya Webb, Courtney Garza

January 13, 2021

Happy Wednesday
Internationally recognized yoga teacher, celebrity holistic health coach, author, speaker, and podcast host Koya Webb is here to talk about the physical, mental and spiritual benefits of yoga. And, the Editor-in-Chief of VEGWORLD Magazine, Courtney Garza, gives us an inside look to the VEGWORLD Wellness issue.
Courtney Garza
Courtney Garza is the editor-in-chief of VEGWORLD Magazine and the co-founder of Sprinkles Creative, a Dallas-based social media marketing agency. Miss Courtney is also a social media influencer, providing followers with an inside look into the vegan lifestyle, offering recommendations, reviews and tips for living vegan. Follow Courtney on Instagram @COLORMECOURTNEY_ or visit her at her website. 
VegWorld January February Issue
The New VegWorld issue is chocked full of great information. From eating for mindfulness to being healthy at home, this issue has it all. This issue is about mental health too. After a really rough year, we must face compassionate thoughts. On another note, It is so easy to find vegan dishes in Japan! How cool! In this issue, there is a whole article on how to eat vegan with a plethora of colorful veggies and foods without animal byproducts. There is such an awareness now in plant based eating, and we need it now more than ever.
Koya Webb

Koya Webb is an internationally recognized yoga teacher, celebrity holistic health coach, author, speaker, and podcast host. She is the founder of Get Loved Up, an international lifestyle community and Yoga School that inspires mental, spiritual and physical health through an app, online courses, retreats, in-person yoga teacher training events and the Get Loved Up Podcast. She is also the author of Let Your Fears Make You Fierce: HowTo Turn Common Obstacles into Seeds for Growth, and has a devout instagram following of over one million followers. She’s been featured as the meditation coach for In Goop Health, starred in the reality show “Yoga Girls,” and has a roster of celebrity clients including India Aire, Stevie Wonder, P. Diddy, Ashley Judd, and more.

Yoga for Mental Health/Anxiety: Flows For Every Mood & How Acro Yoga Builds Physical Connections
You are never stronger than when you land on the other side of despair. Koya got stronger after despair. Challenges are here to make us more resilient and stronger, not to knock us down and ruin our lives. Yoga is unity. Yoga is the unity of your body, your mind, and your breath. It can also unify yourself with others. Koya Webb says that yoga can get you past the obstacles you think you can not over come. Breath-work itself can simply be yoga. Originating in India, yoga started thousands of years ago! Yoga is innate within us and we are all capable of achieving bliss and unity through movement and connection with our bodies. Yoga is stillness.
Thank You!
A big thank you to our guest, Courtney Garza and Koya Webb! Find more about Koya Webb at her website, here! To subscribe to VEGWORLD Magazine and learn more about veganism, click here!

Thank you to all of our One Life Radio listeners. We truly appreciate each and every one of you, so If you’d like to hear more from One Life Radio, please subscribe to our podcast.

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And, last but never least, thank you to our sponsors. We couldn’t do the show without you; Crazy Water, Sunwarrior, Enviromedica, VEGWORLD Magazine, Castor & Pollux,