The Redeeming God Podcast

The Redeeming God Podcast

Latest Episodes

How the blood of Jesus Redeems and Rescues Humanity (Ephesians 1:7; 2:13)
April 04, 2018

In Ephesians 1:7 and Ephesians 2;13 we learn that we have redemption through the blood of Jesus because He redeemed us from our sinful and violent way of living and revealed to us God's way of living. His bloody death released us from addiction to sin ...

No, the blood of Jesus did not buy forgiveness of sins from God (Matthew 26:28)
March 28, 2018

Some people say that Jesus died to buy forgiveness from God, and they use passages like Matthew 26:28 to defend this idea. In this study, I provide a different explanation of Matthew 26:28, showing you that the blood of Jesus was NOT shed to purchase f...

Why is the Bible so Bloody? Jesus tells us why in Matthew 23:29-35
March 21, 2018

Why is the Bible so bloody and violent? It is not because God is violent and bloody. Jesus reveals quite the opposite. Through His life, death, and teachings, Jesus reveals that God is not violent at all, but always loves and only forgives.

1 crazy suggestion about Matthew 28:19-20 that just might solve the baptism debate
March 14, 2018

When you were baptized, what words were said? Do you remember? Some people look to Matthew 28:19-20 as the proper words for baptism, while others look to the practice of the Apostles in Acts. In this post, I dispel this entire baptism debate with one c...

Does baptism save us? (1 Peter 3:21)
March 07, 2018

In 1 Peter 3:21, it appears that Peter is saying that we must be baptized in order to be saved. He writes that baptism saves us. But if this is true, then how is eternal life by faith alone and not of works?

Does 1 Corinthians 9:27 teach that you can lose your salvation?
February 28, 2018

First Corinthians 9:27 is sometimes quoted to show that not even Paul was certain that he would go to heaven when he died. Paul writes that he keeps close watch over his body so that he does not end up disqualified (adokimos).

Once upon a time, I was interviewed by Jason Wiedel
February 26, 2018

Several years ago, I was interviewed by Jason Wiedel for his podcast. For some reason, he never aired this interview. I don't know why. But I am airing it now. Enjoy!

How the concept of adoption helps us understand Romans 8:17 and Romans 9:4
February 20, 2018

Modern adoption was not like ancient adoption. It was not about giving parents to a child who had none, but was about giving honor and inheritance to a child who had done something good for the family. It was about naming a child as an heir.

Does Galatians 1:8-9 give you permission to curse others? Did Paul curse others?
February 15, 2018

Some Christians use Galatians 1:8-9 as a proof text for the bad behavior of cursing other people. But Paul was not actually cursing others in Galatians 1:8-9. He was making a joke about circumcision. This article explains more.

Epistolary Diatribe in the Letters of Paul (No, really! It’s Interesting. I promise!)
February 06, 2018

Did you know that many of the New Testament letters are actually dialogues between the author and a teacher he is trying to refute? This form of writing is called Epistolary Diatribe. I introduce this idea in this article, and give you several examples.