The Redeeming God Podcast

The Redeeming God Podcast

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Does Paul curse those who don’t love Jesus in 1 Corinthians 16:22?
January 31, 2018

Does Paul pronounce a curse on anyone who does not love Jesus? Does this sound like Paul? Should you and I be cursing people who do not love Jesus? Would Jesus Himself do this? I say NO to all these questions in this post.

Is 1 Corinthians 12:3 the test of a true Christian?
January 24, 2018

Some use 1 Corinthians 12:3 as a way to determine who is a true Christian, or who is possessed by a demon. But this is a poor understanding of 1 Corinthians 12:3 (and terrible theology!). - What do you think 1 Corinthians 12:3 mean?

Did Paul wish that he could go to hell in Romans 9:3?
January 17, 2018

In Romans 9:3, Paul writes that he wishes to be accursed from Christ for his brethren, the Jewish people. Is Paul saying that he wished he could go to hell if it would mean that his Jewish brethren would believe in Jesus and become Christians?

Does 1 John teach that believers will not sin?
January 10, 2018

To properly understand the Gospel, we need to understand the biblical terms related to the gospel. One of these key words is the word abide. This article provides a short definition and looks at a few key texts from 1 John that use the word abide.

Jonah Conclusion – What is the Book of Jonah About?
December 14, 2017

What is the book of Jonah all about? Is it about God’s heart for all the people of the world? Is it about how God wants you to get involved in world missions? In this final study of the book of Jonah, you will learn what the book of Jonah is all about.

Jonah 4:10-11 – God Even Loves “Evil” People
December 07, 2017

Jonah 4:10-11 contain the final question of God to Jonah. But Jonah does not answer. The ending of the story is very abrupt. We will see why in the final study of Jonah next week. For now, we learn that God loves all people, even those we consider evil.

Jonah 4:9 – Disgusted with God
November 30, 2017

Have you ever been disgusted with God? So disgusted with how God lets evil go unchecked, and how God doesn’t seem to protect you or your family or your plans, or how God seems to bless the wicked people while not helping the righteous?

Jonah 4:8 – God is a Divine Enabler
November 23, 2017

Is God a divine enabler? The book of Jonah says He is, which is why Jonah is so upset. As we see in Jonah 4:8, Jonah wants God to kill him, so that God will also kill the wicked and violent people of Nineveh. But this is not the way of God.

Jonah 4:7 – Is God a God of Love AND Justice?
November 16, 2017

You might have heard someone say that God is a God of love, but He is also a God of justice. It this true? Must God punish people for their sin? Does God punish people for sin? While it is true that God is both merciful and just,

Jonah 4:6 – What is Evil?
November 09, 2017

What is evil? Do you know evil when you see it? We all think we know what evil is, that we can recognize it, and that we are able to accurately judge between good and evil. Jonah 4:6 reveals that judging between good and evil should be left up to God.