One Hand Speaks

One Hand Speaks

Remembering Uncomfortable – OHS 294

December 13, 2022

When I was in the first few years of primary school, something extremely uncomfortable happened to me and another student born with disabilities. I attended St. John The Baptist, a private Catholic Elementary (grades 1 to 8) school in South Bend, Indiana. When I look back on it I can understand the intention of what they were doing. It does seem like they were trying to do good. However, it was incredibly uncomfortable for me as a one handed very young child. That experience had an impact on me then and still does in some way now. I say this because the experience is one of my early memories of one-handedness that I have never forgotten and comes up in my thinking enough to notice. Seems like a good topic for a podcast.

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Show Notes:

Some early experience do have a lastly impact on children.
This podcast is not a negative statement about attending Private Catholic school.
This is more about how the general human condition can fall short.
("The rode to hell is paved with good intentions")


St. John The Baptist, private Catholic Elementary school - Where I did the 1st through 8th grades. (The link is broken)
John The Baptist - Some Wiki info.

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