Daf Yomi with Rabbi Yaakov Nagel

Daf Yomi with Rabbi Yaakov Nagel

Latest Episodes

Kesubos 92
October 06, 2022

I don’t want any complaints from the buyer

Chazara Kesubos 91
October 06, 2022

Only if there is an extra Dinar

Kesubos 90
October 04, 2022

Kesubas Bnin Dichrin

Chazara Kesubos 89
October 04, 2022

A Get without a Kesubah

Kesubos 89
October 03, 2022

Double dipping!

Chazara Kesubos 88
October 03, 2022

Anyone who says they never borrowed it’s as if they admit they never paid

Kesubos 88
October 02, 2022

As long as she doesn’t claim the Kesubah she doesn’t need to swear

Chazara Kesubos 87
October 02, 2022

When she needs to swear

Kesubos 86
September 30, 2022

Trusting his wife not to have to swear

Chazara Kesubos 85
September 30, 2022

For one he wasn’t wealthy and also a sign was provided. As long as he didn’t frequent the house we can release it