Daf Yomi with Rabbi Yaakov Nagel

Daf Yomi with Rabbi Yaakov Nagel

Latest Episodes

Chazara Kesubos 101
October 16, 2022

The written commitment

Kesubos 100
October 14, 2022

When the courts err

Chazara Kesubos 99
October 14, 2022

Announcing the sale

Kesubos 99
October 13, 2022

Selling piecemeal to multiple buyers

Chazara Kesubos 98
October 13, 2022

Selling for less

Kesubos 98
October 12, 2022

Selling for less, selling for more

Kesubos 95
October 09, 2022

The circle of ownership

Kesubos 93
October 09, 2022

Three wives with three Kesubos

Chazara Kesubos 92
October 09, 2022

Selling with Achrayus

Chazara Kesubos 94
October 09, 2022

Four wives