Oasis AZ

Oasis AZ

Latest Episodes

Who is Jesus? The Gospel of John: John 9:1-12 - Who is Jesus? The Gospel of John (5-9)
November 06, 2022

Jesus gives sight to the blind. As the light of the world, Jesus helps us see the truth about ourselves, God, and the people around us.

Who is Jesus? The Gospel of John: John 8:48-59 - Who is Jesus? The Gospel of John (5-9)
October 30, 2022

Jesus is God in human flesh, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. We can choose to follow him and know life or reject him and face the consequences; but we must do something with his audacious claim.

Who is Jesus? The Gospel of John: John 8:31-47 - Who is Jesus? The Gospel of John (5-9)
October 23, 2022

We are slaves to our rebellious nature. Only through Jesus can we be set free from our addictions and experience the freedom we long for. Otherwise, we will remain slaves to our sin and to the evil on

Who is Jesus? The Gospel of John: John 8:21-30 - Who is Jesus? The Gospel of John (5-9)
October 16, 2022

The good news is controversial, but the whole world desperately needs it. As witnesses, we share what's been shared with us and leave the results with God.

Who is Jesus? The Gospel of John: John 8:12-20 - Who is Jesus? The Gospel of John (5-9)
October 09, 2022

Jesus is the light of the world. Through him we can know the Father, eternal life, and true joy. Knowing Jesus is the key to knowing everything worth knowing.

Who is Jesus? The Gospel of John: John 8:1-11 - Who is Jesus? The Gospel of John (5-9)
October 02, 2022

We stand before God because of grace alone. Therefore, we extend God's grace to those around us.

Who is Jesus? The Gospel of John: John 7:45-52 - Who is Jesus? The Gospel of John (5-9)
September 25, 2022

Jesus provokes hostility. If we follow Jesus, we should expect some measure of hostility, too.

Who is Jesus? The Gospel of John: John 7:25-44 - Who is Jesus? The Gospel of John (5-9)
September 18, 2022

Consider carefully who Jesus is, because if we choose him, we will receive the Holy Spirit and become a source of life to others.

Who is Jesus? The Gospel of John: John 7:14-24 - Who is Jesus? The Gospel of John (5-9)
September 11, 2022

Practice true discernment, which comes only when we obey God, examine our motives, and reflect on Scripture.

Who is Jesus? The Gospel of John: John 7:1-13 - Who is Jesus? The Gospel of John (5-9)
September 04, 2022

Jesus is a different kind of Kingone who sought the Fathers approval over popularity, Gods timing over his own, and truth over convenience. Do we share his values?