Oasis AZ
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Christmas Eve Service: Matthew 1:18-24 - Christmas Eve Messages
Jesus is the strong and loving king who will lead God's people in peace. He will return to annihilate evil and create the perfect world we long for. We prepare for his return by submitting to his lead
Ruth 4 - Advent: Ruth
God uses the faithfulness of ordinary people to do great things. He used the faithfulness of Boaz, Ruth, Mary, and Joseph to fulfill his purpose of bringing our Redeemer into the world.
Ruth 3 - Advent: Ruth
God uses the faithfulness of ordinary people to do great things. He used the faithfulness of Boaz, Ruth, Mary, and Joseph to fulfill his purpose of bringing our Redeemer into the world.
Ruth 2 - Advent: Ruth
God sees us--our past, present and future. He knows us and our story and he's committed to care for us in ways we cannot always see. As God cares for us, he uses us to care for others.
Ruth 1 - Advent: Ruth
Even in great misfortune, God is there, offering a taste of hope and redemption. Even when we cannot see it, God's working all things together for the good of those who love him and are called accordi
Who is Jesus? The Gospel of John: John 9:35-41 - Who is Jesus? The Gospel of John (5-9)
The most dangerous response is to hear the truth but ignore it; for that makes us guilty of a greater sin than ignorance. To whom much is given, much is required. We are responsible for what we know.
Who is Jesus? The Gospel of John: John 9:13-34 - Who is Jesus? The Gospel of John (5-9)
We are witnesses of what we have seen, heard, and experienced. Others may argue with who Jesus is, but no one can contradict the change he's made in our lives. So, we boldly tell the truth and let Jes