Gospel Today

Gospel Today

Latest Episodes

#58 Three Types of Repentance
August 10, 2015

What does true repentance really look like? I give you 4 qualities of true repentance, I also talk about 3 different types of repentance. - This is part two on the topic of repentance, if you missed the first part you can catch it here "Five Misconcep...

#57 Five Misconceptions about Repentance
July 13, 2015

Could you be making one of these mistakes in your understanding of what repentance is? - In this episode of Now Is the Time I talk about 5 misconceptions about repentance and I explain what Biblical repentance really is.

#56 How Honest Are Missionary Newsletters?
May 23, 2015

Have you ever wondered how honest missionary newsletters really are? - In this episode of "Now Is the Time" I give you three reasons why missionary newsletters don't always reflect reality, I also talk about a new ministry opportunity we have with dis...

#55 Why You Should’t Say “The Ukraine”
May 02, 2015

People used to ask me if it's proper to say "The Ukraine" or not. My answer to that question has changed and in this episode of "Now Is the Time" I share with you why my view changed and why it's important. May 1st

#54 Forty Eight Hours of My Life
April 20, 2015

Want to know what life is like for me in Ukraine? In this episode of "Now Is the Time" I give you a peek into my life. Come along and listen to the sounds of Ukraine, as I travel to Kyiv and back to Odessa by train. -

#53 Manipulative Preaching vs. Persuasive Preaching
April 11, 2015

What's the difference between preaching that manipulates people for the preacher's own purposes and preaching that persuades people in the truth claims of Scripture? - We talk about persuasive preaching and more in this episode of "Now Is the Time.

#52 Did Jesus Suffer Enough?
April 03, 2015

Maybe it sounds like a strange question but was Jesus's suffering really enough or do we need to add something to it? - In  this episode of "Now Is the Time" I talk about self-crucifixion and self-flagellation. I also share with you news from Ukraine.

#51 Nine Misconceptions About Ministry
March 13, 2015

Misconceptions and false expectations about ministry can disappoint and discourage us. - In this episode of "Now Is the Time" I talk about some common misconceptions about the ministry that I have often come across.

#50 Why We Choose to Live in Ukraine
March 06, 2015

We live in Ukraine and some people think that's not a good idea, it could be dangerous or at the very least inconvenient. - Maybe they're right. - Even before we left for Ukraine nearly 8 years ago some people thought it wasn't the smartest move. -

#49 Peace in War Time a Story from Eastern Ukraine
February 20, 2015

Can there be peace in Ukraine after the latest ceasefire deal has completely crumbled? - In this week's episode of "Now Is the Time" I share with you how things have gone from bad to worse in Eastern Ukraine.