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Novel Marketing

062 – 7 Ways to Avoid the Spam Filter

May 01, 2015

Jim how do you tell if you are a spammer?

If people click “mark as spam” on your email, you are a spammer as far as that person is concerned. Spam is in the eye of the beholder.
How Spam Filters Work

Before we give you tips on how to avoid spam filters we should talk about how they work.
How does gmail know a spam message from a real one?
First it looks at the outside of the envelope trying to answer the question “do I trust the sender”

Is the senders domain reputable?
Is the sender’s server IP address in a bad neighborhood?
Has this person opened or responded to emails from this sender before?
Is the sender’s address in the address book?

Second it reads the email to see if  looks like spam.

Is the HTML clean?
Is it one big image?
Is there a plain text copy?
Does it smell like spam?

Tip 1 Double Opt in

Tip 2 One Click Unsubscribe

Tip 3 Send at least once per quarter

Tip 4 Write Intriguing (and non spammy) Subjects

Tip 5 Avoid Bad Words

100% Satisfied
click here
Google: Spam Trigger Words

Tip 6 Use a Trusted Sender


Tip 7 Avoid Using All Caps

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