Novel Marketing
018 – Why Some Great Books Go Unsold While Some Poorly Written Books Fly Off the Shelves
Talking Points:
Why do people buy books?
An substitute to boring evening
Smart and Sophisticated
Writing doesn’t matter. Some Assembly Required
Make a Promise & Over Deliver
Escape (Sci-Fi & Amish)
One persons escape is not another person's escape. Amish and SciFi are both escape but for different people. This is why Amish Vampires in Space failed to take off despite being well written.
The common factor in all three of these reasons is emotion. If your book moves someone emotionally it will continue to sell.
You can rank any book on this scale.
Shack 10 on education. 1 on entertainment and 1 on escape.
The Harbinger 10 on education. 1 on entertainment and 1 on escape.
Twilight - Escape 10. Entertainment 5 out of 10. Education 1 out of 10.
The Sum of All Fears by Tom Clancy- 10 on Entertainment, 5 on education and 0 on escape.
It doesn’t matter what your overall score is. It only matters if you are a 9 or 10 in one category.
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