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Novel Marketing

Why Your Book is Still Unfinished (Hint: It’s Your Phone’s Fault)

June 19, 2024

I remember watching Steve Jobs's keynote presentation for the original iPhone. This magical new device, he said, would revolutionize our productivity.
And at first, it did.
But then, along came apps. Soon, user experiences were scientifically optimized to be as addictive as possible. An author's productive output is inversely correlated with time spent on the phone.
In this week's episode, we'll talk about how to spend less time on your phone and more time writing. You'll learn

  • How to boss your phone instead of letting your phone boss you.
  • A revolutionary setting change that may drastically reduce your desire to look at your phone
  • How to use your phone to write more productively

Listen in or check out the blog post version of this episode to discover ten tips for leveraging your phone to increase your productivity and limiting its ability to keep you from writing your book.

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