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From Tech Timid to Tech Savvy: How to Master Any Technology

May 28, 2024

My first DOS computer had no mouse. Its screen had two colors: green and white. Today, computers have mice and complex graphics, and there is no need to be a computer programmer in order to use a computer.
Technology gets easier to use each year. Even though it's easier than it used to be, sometimes you still need help. Many authors find that the biggest obstacle keeping them from writing, publishing, or marketing is technology.
Authors lacking technical sophistication often get pulled into overpriced schemes like hybrid publishing and struggle to succeed.
So, how can you learn to learn technology?
In this week's episode, you will learn the keys to

  • viewing technology as less scary and more fun
  • conquering your fear of technology
  • learning how to learn a new technology

If you're ready to have a little fun and fewer tech headaches, listen in or check out the blog version of this episode and learn how to master technology.

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