Raging Romantics

Raging Romantics

#86 Can't Take this Away From Us - Presenting Steven Salvatore!

April 05, 2024

CONTENT WARNING - Language use, please use headphones if in mixed company!

Buckle in folks, this is a long one! Thomas and I are so happy to introduce Steven Salvatore, whose debut adult romance has recently been added to their YA catalogue! In this episode we talk about publishing, writing degrees, genderqueer books, and what we want to see in the writing community.

Questions/comments/concerns/recommendations? Email us at ragingromantics@nopl.org!

Make sure to check out Steven's website and follow them on social media!

Books/Authors we mention:

Check out the Ripped Bodice in Brooklyn, and our interview with Leah back in the day! #26 Today's Romance Novels with the Ripped Bodice
