No B. S. Hiring Advice Radio

No B. S. Hiring Advice Radio

Latest Episodes

Preparing for the Hiring Boom
November 13, 2015

Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter encourages you to make plans for the next big hiring boom coming to a job search near you!

Communicate Beyond Your Vendor Management System
November 12, 2015

Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter explains the importance of communicating outside of your vendor management system.

Choosing a Recruiter to Fill Your Positions
November 11, 2015

It often seems like every Tom, Dick, Susan, Shailesh and Hao works for agencies. The phone calls seem incessant and the pitches seem the same. How do you choose

They Want to Apply from Their Phones
November 10, 2015

Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter discusses the fact that more people are job hunting through their mobile devices and verifying that your ATS will make it easy

Recruiting Smarter
November 09, 2015

Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter discusses some things you can do differently to get the results you want.

Developing a Sell Sheet
November 06, 2015

Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter discusses the value of having your managers develop an offer a company sell sheet when they interview someone.

How to Hire Team Players
November 05, 2015

So many job descriptions speak of hiring, "team players." Personally, I think the term is code for "people who take orders and don't think," but that's a conver

Why Are You Checking References?
November 04, 2015

Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter tries to discourage you from checking references before you hire someone gives you a more meaningful litmus test.

Why Are We Having So Much Trouble Sourcing Candidates?
November 03, 2015

Recruiting. Sourcing. This is where the hiring process begins. We are all told how many people are out of work and yet millions of jobs are going unfilled.

Finding Junior Skilled Talent
November 02, 2015

Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter suggests a simple approach to finding relatively inexperienced professionals.