No B. S. Hiring Advice Radio

No B. S. Hiring Advice Radio

Latest Episodes

You Don't Have to Hate Third Party Recruiters
December 03, 2015

Jeff offers some ways to work with recruiters you actually find competent!

Stop Screwing People
December 01, 2015

Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter delivers tough love about a situation that happens much too often.

Hiring Lessons from Major League Baseball
November 30, 2015

As we get closer to the beginning of spring training, there are notions to take away as you go forward. Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter explores a few on this

Recruiting Lessons from Super Bowl XLIX
November 25, 2015

Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter discusses lessons you can learn about hiring from Super Bowl XLIX

Play to Their Emotions, Too
November 24, 2015

Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter encourages you to not only use logic when you get into a negotiation with a potential hire.

Should We Talk About LinkedIn Recruiter
November 23, 2015

I was an early adopter of LinkedIn (#7563, I think) and am using LinkedIn Recruiter as part of my work. Should you?

Help Candidates Learn About Your Firm
November 20, 2015

Why not make it easy for candidates to research your firm and influence them at the same time?

More Useful Campus Recruiting
November 19, 2015

Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter. Discusses a more effective way of doing campus recruiting.

Pick Up The Pace
November 17, 2015

Too many firms are still operating with this recession era mentality and losing candidates to other firms.

The Times They Are A Changin'
November 16, 2015

Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter uses the Bob Dylan song to point out how the job market has changed.