Drop The Subject

Drop The Subject

Latest Episodes

DTS Talks to a Listener from Spain!
March 18, 2020

DTS Talks to a Listener from Spain!

3/17 James Doesnt Wear Shoes On Planes!
March 17, 2020

Its St.Patties Day and we find out Jesse can't play the bagpipes. We give you some suggestions for people that should definitely shelter in place. There are some people that are completely clueless about COVID-19. Also, Tom Brady left the Patriots!

James Simmons is the Most Hated Guy on the Airplane
March 17, 2020

James Simmons is the most hated guy on the airplane because he takes off his shoes!

3/16 Now Open! Ally Cats Speakeasy (Limited Space)
March 16, 2020

Clayton is back! Today we spread some good news that may or may not be puppy related. We teach you some recipes for the food you don’t have. Also, we create a quarantine playlist for those lonely days.

Ally Cats: Ally's New Speakeasy
March 16, 2020

Ally is opening up a new speakeasy!

Monday Munch Report: Ally Lit Her Meat on Fire! And DIY Prison Food
March 16, 2020

Monday munch report: Ally lit her meat on fire! And DIY prison food.

3/13 Trump Updates The Country
March 13, 2020

Today we cover Trump's address to the country live as he declares a national emergency. After which we talk to ex-CIA and expert in national security Erroll Southers. We also take calls from concerned listeners and get there opinion on the crisis. 

Dr. Erroll Southers discusses the National Emergency on DTS
March 13, 2020

Dr. Erroll Southers discusses the National Emergency on DTS.

3/12 Sending Out ChannelQ's Smokey Eye Team
March 12, 2020

Things escalate after Trump addresses the country about the coronavirus and to get first-hand accounts we send producer Jesse into the field. We also discuss if shoes are really clothes and we get the chance to talk to the mayor of Palm Springs Geoff Kors

3/11 The Last time Ally Was With A Man
March 11, 2020

Every event is being canceled will Drop The Subject be canceled? Probably not but today we discuss the things that maybe shouldn't come back. We shame some sneezers and also find out some not so gay info from Ally in this week's Gay M A.