Drop The Subject

Drop The Subject

Latest Episodes

3/23 Back In The Closet
March 23, 2020

Did Jesse mess up today? Yes. Did he cut it out of the podcast? Also yes. Today because of the recent shelter in place order we bring you Drop The Subject live from our homes to yours. We put up some Christmas lights. We're drinking some wine and we're pl

Virtual Volunteer
March 23, 2020

6 ways you can volunteer virtually!

Coming To You Not Live Not From The Studio
March 20, 2020

Ally and her cat here to let you know that even though we are no longer able to be in studio we will still be bringing you content starting Monday. Stay safe and stay sane

3/19 James is Annoying!
March 19, 2020

Today we find some positive stories to give you. We get cray cray and also discuss some awkward quarantine moments.

There is still Good in the World!
March 19, 2020

Ally and James Simmons discuss the good that people are doing right now!

James is a Bad Neighbor
March 19, 2020

James Simmons is a bad neighbor!

3/18 Biding The D Adieu
March 18, 2020

Clayton is back! In today's show Ally tells us about the time she was a naked extra in a popular movie. We talk to a few listeners one from Madrid the other Trader Joes. All wrapt up in a cozy blanket of positivity. 

Ally Was Naked Next to Joaquin Phoenix!
March 18, 2020

Ally was a naked extra in a movie!

Interview with Jules from Trader Joes!
March 18, 2020

DTS spoke with Jules from Trader Joes to discuss the coronavirus madness in the store!

Interview with a Trader Joes Employee
March 18, 2020

DTS talks to a Trader Joes employee amid the coronavirus madness!