Natural Health for People and Pets Podcast

Natural Health for People and Pets Podcast

Latest Episodes

Episode 12: Nutrition & behaviour with Lauren Turner
February 04, 2021

In this episode I'm joined by Lauren Turner, the owner and trainer of Ideal Dog in the United States, to discuss her work in the dog training industry and how she came to realise the importance of nutrition in behaviour modification.

Episode 11: Weight loss in dogs
January 09, 2021

Up to 60% of dogs are now overweight or obese - a condition that is associated with a multitude of different health conditions and disease states that are completely preventable, not to mention a shorter lifespan and a poorer quality of life overall. ...

Episode 10: Health risks of acid lowering medications
December 14, 2020

An increasing amount of research highlights the negative health effects of acid-lowering medications for both people and pets when used long-term. Examples of potential adverse effects include the increased risk of bone fractures,

Episode 9: Histamine intolerance
November 20, 2020

Histamine is a chemical compound that's naturally found in the cells of our bodies. Histamine plays an important role in our immune response, it supports digestion and gut health, and can even influence our moods via its role as a neurotransmitter.

Episode 8: Digestive enzymes
November 03, 2020

Most people will have heard the saying - “you are what you eat” but in reality, you are what you absorb! Research suggests that at least 50% of Australian and US adults experience digestive symptoms such as bloating, gas, diarrhoea and constipation.

Episode 7: To fast or not to fast?
October 14, 2020

Fasting dates back centuries and has played a central role in many different cultures and religions. Science has now revealed the many benefits of fasting - including improved weight loss and insulin sensitivity,

Episode 6: Transparency in raw food feeding
October 02, 2020

More than ever before, pet owners are thinking about their dog's food - from how it's produced, the quality of the ingredients, its safety and nutritional adequacy. For pet food manufacturers, this means that manufacturing transparency has become an ev...

Episode 5: Complete and Balanced
September 12, 2020

We regularly hear the term 'complete and balanced' when it comes to dog nutrition, but what does 'complete and balanced' mean and can we trust that it's providing our dogs with optimal health? In this episode we explore what 'complete and balanced' ...

Episode 4: Rice for dogs with diarrhoea - helpful or harmful?
September 01, 2020

We've all grown up hearing that we should give our dogs chicken and rice during bouts of diarrhoea, but why? In this episode we explore the use of rice for diarrhoea - how it came about, why it works, is it helpful or harmful,

Episode 3: Improve your immunity
August 20, 2020

During the current pandemic, it’s more important than ever that we all do what we can to look after our immune systems. While there's no magic pill to protect us from the many pathogens that our bodies are exposed to day-in-and-day-out,