Natural Health for People and Pets Podcast

Natural Health for People and Pets Podcast

Latest Episodes

Episode 22: CBD Vets Australia
November 07, 2021

In this episode, I had the privilege of speaking with Dr Christopher Lee, Veterinary Director of CBD Vets Australia. No pet parent wants to see their beloved pet suffering from conditions such as c

Episode 21: The link between diet and behaviour in dogs
October 01, 2021

Although cliche, we are what we eat! Fundamentally, what impacts mood and drives behaviour are biochemical processes in the body. And what drives these biochemical processes are the nutrients that com

Episode 20: What happened to Ladybug - Part 2!
August 28, 2021

Like most dog health emergencies, Ladybug's most recent drama started early on Sunday morning with repeated bouts of vomiting. This soon led to lots of blood tests, x-rays, emergency surgery and a wee

Episode 19: Interview with Sacha Packer
August 07, 2021

In this episode I speak with Sacha Packer of The Balanced Canine in Sydney. Sacha is a multi-modality practitioner who mostly works with performance and show dogs and is qualified and accredited in t

Episode 18: The safety of raw vs kibble
July 22, 2021

What we feed our dogs is often a touchy subject that can elicit some very strong opinions. There are those that claim raw food feeding is incredibly dangerous to both our pets and us, and then there a

Episode 17: Turmeric vs Curcumin
July 04, 2021

In this episode I talk about turmeric – or more specifically, the differences between turmeric and curcumin. The two terms are often used interchangeably, which is not accurate, and by the end of the

Episode 16: The benefits of liquid herbs for dogs
June 20, 2021

In this episode I talk about the health benefits of using liquid herbal remedies for both us and our dogs. As humans, we have been using herbs for medicinal and healing purposes for centuries, and many of those same natural remedies can be effective in...

Episode 15: Oxalates in the diet - should you be concerned?
May 23, 2021

In this episode, I discuss the topic of oxalates in the food that we're eating and what we're feeding our dogs, along with their potential negative health effects.  I cover what oxalates are, how they're formed, what symptoms to look for,

Episode 14: Interview with Big Dog Pet Foods
April 02, 2021

In this episode I speak with Chris Essex - the founder, owner and Managing Director of Big Dog Pet Foods, a family-owned Australian company who have been making raw, healthy, nutritious pet food since 2000. 

Episode 13: The dangers of kibble
March 08, 2021

In this episode I talk about the negative health aspect of commercial kibbles for our pets, with a focus on the impact of the processing method itself.  Unfortunately, the majority of pets consume a kibble-based diet that’s gone through the extrusio...