A New Direction

A New Direction

Latest Episodes

Change: How to Lead It and How to Manage It
July 23, 2024

Leading Change in Your Business or Organization Change is inevitable. It's one of the guarantees we have in life. Even in our businesses and organizations, we must deal with change. - The fact is no o

Owners Prison: 3 Levels to Breaking Free
July 17, 2024

Owners Prison: 3 Levels to Breaking Free If you are an owner of a company there is one thing that is absolutely true. You are responsible for everything! There is always a fire. And there are no da

22 Ways To Break Your Procrastination Habit
July 10, 2024

Breaking the Procrastination Habit Let's be honest there are things that you don't want to do, that you know you should do, but don't do. And the reasons are many. - You may say, "I don't procrastinat

Bend & Break the Rules Like Navy SEALs & Entrepreneurs for Results!
July 03, 2024

How Navy SEALs and Entrepreneurs Bend & Break the Rules for Results! Get a job at any business and the first thing you are told is the rules. "This is how we do things here." - As we age we get even m

Resilience in 4 Personalities – Which One Are You?
June 26, 2024

Resilience, You, Your Work, and Your Life More and more people in the workforce including executives are starting to realize the toll that wellness, stress, and severe health issues are taking on thei

Energy and the 7 Levels That Determine Your Success
June 19, 2024

Your Energy Determines Your Success Every single day we bring some sort of energy in to our work place, home, and every conversation. - Our energy is rarely if ever neutral. In fact, it typically is e

Finding Your Authenticity that Leads to Your Purpose
June 12, 2024

You Need to Find Your Authenticity to Find Purpose The famous sociologist Erving Goffman in his dramaturgical theory suggested that we are all actors on a stage, and we wear masks so people will perce

9 Marketing Messages that Will Increase Profitability
June 06, 2024

Increase Profitability with the Right Marketing Message We all know marketing is important. But is your marketing positively influencing your profitability? - Often times in business we just turn thin

Tips and Techniques to Get the Best Out of Your Sales Team
May 29, 2024

60% of Sales People Never Meet Their Quota... The Question is "why" and what Can You as a Sales Manager Do about it? Well here it is episode 300! Wow! I can't believe we have been doing this show for

101 Entrepreneur Lessons for Making it Big
May 22, 2024

Get 101 Lessons from an Entrepreneur Who Made It Big! I think all of us dream of working for ourselves at some point or another. We all like the idea of being an entrepreneur. - But let's be honest, b
