A New Direction

A New Direction

Launch Your Inner Entrepreneur 10 Mindsets for Success

March 20, 2024
Want to be an Entrepreneur…It’s about your mindset

Charlene Walters - Launch Your Inner Entrepreneur - A New Direction with Coach Jay IzsoSo many of us dream of being a successful entrepreneur.

There is such an allure of owning your own business, being in control of your destiny, and knowing it is yours has quite the appeal.

And while most all of us have had dreams of being an entrepreneur, most of us will not do it.

Why?  Because to be a successful entrepreneur requires a change in mindset.  And not just one, but many mindsets.

First, you have to be willing to have the mindset of being a risk taker, and then you need to take action on.

You also need to have a different attitude, have a different money mindset, changing your mindset of leadership, building a presence and more.

And in this episode of A New Direction Dr. Charlene Walters joins us to talk about her latest book, “Launch Your Entrepreneur”.

If you have thought about becoming an entrepreneur and have wondered what it will take to be successful, then you will want to join us right here!

Launch Your Inner Entrepreneur: 10 Mindset Shif... by Walters, Charlene Hardback - Picture 1 of 2Charlene Walter’s Book, “Launch Your Inner Entrepreneur” is in my opinion one of the most comprehensive books on how to become a successful entrepreneur.

The book is based on 10 mindsets that every aspiring entrepreneur must have.  And starts with the first mindset of “Taking Action”.

The book moves us through specifics such as dealing with your own financial mindset, personal branding, social media, and so much more.

Dr. Walters digs deep into issues that every entrepreneur faces such as imposter syndrome, being in competition, the struggle with selling, grit, resiliency, self-sabotage and a number of psychological and emotional issues.

As you can tell nearly everything is on the table to discuss in Launch Your Inner Entrepreneur.

And do not let the subtitle fool you…this book is literally for everyone!

Please reach out and thank the sponsors of our show A New Direction:

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Coach Jay here!  Thanks for listening to and reading about this episode of A New Direction.

I am a business and life coach that specializes in helping people improve their performance in their business and life and help them become more successful in all aspects of their life.

You may have thought about a coach, but you just were not sure if a coach is for you.  That’s a great question to ask, and I would encourage you to call me and least chat about it.

Coaching Mavericks - Coach Jay Izso - Personal and Team Coaching for Life and BusinessMy gift to you is Free complimentary call.  Let’s talk and see what if I am a fit for you.

Just fill out this form and let’s start talking.  Coaching Mavericks – Unlock Your Potential with Jay Izso.

My business is Coaching Mavericks, because there is a Maverick in all of us that when we find our way with our own unique gifts, talents and abilities, we will be the most successful.

I look forward to talking with you!

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