My Life At A Weird Angle (MLAAWA)

My Life At A Weird Angle (MLAAWA)

Latest Episodes

February 04, 2021

Certain people have a huge impact on your life. They work towards your betterment along side you. This episode is about one of those people. --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.

February 02, 2021

I reflect on how far I've come as an entrepreneur and the grandson of Willis & Mabel Phelps Jr. From Conakry, Guinea to Kalamazoo, MI.

I decided to be healthier for me
January 28, 2021

I had the privilege of catching up with one of the owners of West Main Nutrition here in Kalamazoo. We talked about the benefits of making healthy choices and how overcoming difficult situations is The New normal when you're living an entrepreneur life.

No distractions over Here
January 23, 2021

After 20 years of my injury I'm realizing just how many benefits that I've gained because of it. The ability to not be distracted and to stay focused on my path to success no matter what I'm doing, has been one of those strengths. This is the how in the w

December 31, 2020

I spend time on the word realization and what it means to me. How it's opened up my world and allowed me to change my personal reality. Being aware of myself and my abilities is one of my greatest gifts from above and from within. --- This episode is

Excited nerves
December 17, 2020

Selena and I catch up for the first time and assess how much we've grown and how examining ourselves helped us to discover our unique path for success. --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.

Beard butter, body wash and Self-talk
December 11, 2020

This morning's conversation with myself started with a bit of self-care. It quickly progressed into something much more substantial. --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.

Focus on the What
December 06, 2020

Ray & I you talk about how the pain and recovery have shaped us. Knowing what we wanted ultimately was the key to keeping us going. Turns out the cliche about perseverance paying off is true. We're better for all the challenges and all the difficulties. S

Take a Look Inside
November 13, 2020

On this episode I'm going through one of the drops in my book that says your dreams came from you so don't look to someone else to complete them. Far too often we're looking outside of ourselves to someone else in order to accomplish what we know is ours.

November 04, 2020

As I have built my life after my SCI, I'm very mindful of who and what I attract into my life. The FNX fitness brand has expanded my wellness circle & given the supplements I need to become the best I can be. Hear how & why I'm an Ambassador and the value