Mr. Mark's Classroom

Latest Episodes
Classroom Management Series Part One
Hi friends. Welcome to Mr. Mark’s classroom. I’ve really been experiencing some teachers struggling with classroom management and I thought maybe we better talk about this a little more. So, I want to put together a few of these in a series that migh...
Podcast: Ten Awesome Tips for Church Greeters
Here are ten tips for greeters. Remember, it is more than a handshake. Smile. Personal warmth. Look like you enjoy welcoming people. Fresh Breath. (Enough said) Make eye contact – Read their body language. Take initiative and speak to the guest.
Podcast: You Talk Too Much… Seriously
In this episode, teachers will discover the value of listening to children and building relationships. Evaluate your ministry to see if you are a good listener. Make adjustments to be able to connect to kids,
Podcast: Affirmation is a Priority in the Classroom!
To be affirmed – Man, it feels so great when someone says to you, “Good job!” “Great work!” “Way to go!” When people say to you how wonderful it was, or what you did. When they even say, “Thank you,” it helps so much.
Do the Hard Things in Ministry
Taking care of the hard things in ministry is never easy, but if you run and hide every time something pops up, they will find you sooner or later. To make it worse, the pastor will become the complaint department and then he will call you in for a c...
How Do You Connect with Others in Kids Ministry?
In today’s episode I talk about how to get connected with other preschool and children’s ministers. I love being a part of a group of people that are dealing with simillar challenges. Are you involved with a group of leaders to network with and learn...
If at First You Don’t Succeed, Try Again!
You’ve got great ideas for your teachers. You’ve got great ideas for the kids in your ministry. Sometimes it doesn’t work. Sometimes it does. Sometimes you might have more fun trying to get something to work after it wasn’t a success the first time.
Technology Can’t Replace Relationships in Ministry
I’m so glad we have technology. I remember the days of sending postcard reminders and monthly newsletters that promoted activities, but all that stuff took tons of time. Now, I can answer texts and emails so much easier.
Dress for VBS!
I’m wondering what to wear for VBS. The clothes we wear are like a walking decoration. When the leader and teachers wear the theme in a fun way, it really builds excitement. Ask your teachers to participate by wearing a safari outfit to help get into...
Invest in Teaching Bible Skills to Kids
I love teaching Bible skills every week. When I see kids who can use their Bibles and find passages or verses quickly, I know the investment is worth it all. I want to challenge you to have regular times for Bible skill games and practice Bible Drill...