Mr. Mark's Classroom

Mr. Mark's Classroom

Latest Episodes

Publicize Your Ministry
October 05, 2017

  “Marketing is a contest for people’s attention.” – Seth Godin   Jesus…the Public Relations Guru Jesus was a leader of people, not things. Mark 12:37b “…the large crowd listened to him with delight.” Calling and leading of the 12 disciples Always had ...

TPT’s —Total Participation Techniques
September 28, 2017

  Today,  I want to share with you my discussion with James Hargrave, Content Editor for LifeWay Christian Resources.  James has years of experience and expertise with teaching children with great creativity and consistency.  He explains to us,

Ministering to the Family Before the Baby 
September 21, 2017

  Lately, I have noticed more churches with wonderful bulletin boards sharing the news of expecting babies coming soon.  This shows the heart of your preschool ministry to anticipate and planning for new babies coming to church.  In this episode,

Gathering and Providing Parenting Helps
September 14, 2017

    3 things to know when you begin to gather and provide parenting helps: What is the age group you want to target? Younger Preschool, Older Preschool, Younger Children, or Older Children What needs do you want to address? Physical, Mental,

Podcast with Linda Ranson Jacobs
April 28, 2016

Linda Ranson Jacobs is one of the forefront leaders in the areas of children and divorce and single-parent family needs. Having been both divorced and widowed, Linda was a single mom who learned firsthand the emotional and support needs of broken famil...

Podcast- Dale Hudson “The Kid Min Mouse”
April 21, 2016

I hope you enjoy this interview with Dale Hudson from  He is the Director of Children’s Ministries at Christ Fellowship and a popular columnist for Children’s Ministry Magazine.  He has a new book, The Kid Min Mouse,

Podcast- I’m New! What do I do?
April 14, 2016

Listen as Mr. Mark discusses advice he shares with interns before stepping into their first kid’s ministry.  These five keys will help you step out on the right foot as you begin (or restart) your ministry to kids and families. -

Podcast: Consistency is Over-Rated
April 08, 2016

10 Reasons we over-value consistency: It seems fair. If we have more than one child, we want to be fair to each. But unless you have twins, your kids are at different points in their development, so what is fair may depend at least on their current...

Podcast: Being a Good Communicator
March 31, 2016

Involving and communicating with parents are an important part of your ministry. Communication is also the biggest hurdle we face in the church.  Here are 10 suggestions to remember when communicating with parents. -

Podcast: Leading Through Transition
March 24, 2016

By Andrea Hopgood           Define Change Identify change we control Identify change out of our control Share personal story Communicate vision clearly Define the problem Offer a solution Present a reason Create a communication cascade Team Leaders Vol...